Latest News

Lodging near monastery

For visitor logding: Here is list of the Hotels near monastery. We had made special rate arrangement for the events with Hotel listed below.  Please call Hotel directly to make your reservation and mention you are coming to Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery

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Upcoming Events

Ven. Sherab Rinpoche visit August 8-15th 2024

Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery is very honored with upcoming visit of Venerable Sherab Rinpoche in August 8 - 15th 2024.  During this visit Ven. Rinpoche will offer Teachings and Initiations at Gaden KhachoeShing (Bloomington) and Gaden Samdrupling Monastery (Cincinnati)

Bloomington events…

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How can you help us

No definite timeline is set for the building of our new monastery, but people of good heart becoming involved will make this project come to fruition sooner. If you become part of this historic undertaking and share our vision of benefiting all beings, the karmic law of cause and effect ensures that your positive efforts will come back to you many times over.

There are many ways to help make this monastery possible:

  • You can make a tax-deductible financial offering or an offering of building materials.
  • You can volunteer to provide technical advice or service.
  • We also invite you to join our mailing list so that we can keep you up to date on our progress and offer new opportunities to help.

Make an offering

All contributions to this effort are tax-deductible. No contribution is too small. The power of the contribution depends on the motivation in your heart, so any contribution of any size made with a positive motivation to help all beings can lead to many wonderful results. The scope of this project makes it an expensive undertaking and generous contributions are sought from those who are able to offer them freely. Estimates of costs and project details will be provided on this site as soon as they are available. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Checks should be made out to Gaden Khachoe Shing Monastery. Offerings can be made, via the monastery Web site (VISA and Master Card accepted) or by clicking the button below.

Make an Offering

Volunteer Your Time or Expertise

If you have time and/orexpertise that you can offer, these will be as meaningful to this effort as any financial contribution you might make. Just complete the form below and send it:

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